5 Rules to Avoiding being a Clingy Girlfriend

5. There are times when it has nothing to do with being clingy.
Once in awhile we find ourselves in a relationship with someone who is so standoffish that we wonder exactly why it is they are even bothering to date at all. They don’t seem to want to interact outside of date night. And date night might not even be frequent enough. You might be feeling neglected in other ways. Perhaps there’s little, if any, intimate contact. Or perhaps he nods off mid way through half of your conversations.

For whatever reason(s) you might be feeling left out of your own relationship with someone, it is something that needs to be addressed. Not every relationship is going to be the perfect fit. It’s the early days within a relationship that we’re maneuvering around and discovering exactly how special this person makes us feel.

Some people might not ever make it beyond friendship. That’s okay. Friends are important. Just because a relationship doesn’t necessarily match up to your desires, doesn’t mean it needs to be thrown into the trash, never to be spoken of again. See how it fits. Value the person for the person they are, not necessarily the person you want them to be. The perfect fit will come along when you least expect it.