7 Ways to Keep It Classy At A Party

Keep Your Phone At Home

Believe it or not people are not as open about cell phones in social settings as they once were. The age of technology is here, but in social situations, a phone is not as welcome as it once was. Why are cell phones being banned by party hosts? The answer is simple, sometimes people do let loose at a party, and the last thing that person, or anyone else at the party needs, is for people to start snapping pictures and posting them on social media pages. No one wants a less-than-classy moment to go up on the web for the whole world to see, and it is always best to leave the cell phone at home. Also someone who is constantly checking their phone can give off the wrong impression, like they are bored and are looking for something to do, which can really upset the host or hostess if they think their guests are so bored they’re playing with their phone.

Parties are a lot of fun, but they can also be the place where someone exhibits less than acceptable behavior. People always want to be classy, especially at parties with all of their friends, and there are very simple ways that they can do this. If people consider other people before telling jokes, limit their alcohol consumption, and remember their manners, then they will stay classy, and there will be many more party invitations in the future.