8 Early Warning Signs of Ovarian Cancer You Shouldn’t Ignore

Your health is never anything to play around with, and you should always make sure that you are tuned in to any changes that occur that may be cause for concern. If you ever question something that you find, you should see a doctor rather than let things go to chance or see what happens. Your health should always be your top priority, and since ovarian cancer is in the top ten causes of death for women, these are some signs you should never just look over:

1.    Pelvic or abdominal pain. If there is no pre-existing condition that might cause this in the first place, if it is severe or if it is sudden, always see a doctor and get it checked out to find a cause and see if it is something more serious.

2.    Difficulty eating. If eating seems like a task that is suddenly increasingly difficult, or if it feels as though you are full very quickly when you normally wouldn’t be, it might be a sign of something more severe than you think. Particularly if it persists for a time, always go see someone about not being able to eat properly or regularly.

3.    Bloating. If your bloating is persistent or severe, you may need to see a doctor about what is happening. It could be a sign that your body is trying to alert you that something is going on, so abnormal bloating is cause for concern.

4.    Urination trouble. If you feel the urge to urinate often or if you are going more frequently, it could be something worse. Whenever your urination isn’t regular, you should talk to your doctor about it.

5.    Pain during sex. Since all of the female system is rather connected, if there is pain during sex then you should be alerted to there being the possibility of something more going on. Whether it’s pain during or afterword, you should be aware of it and get it checked out.

6.    Menstrual changes. If your period seems to become suddenly irregular, if there’s more cramping than usual, if it just seems more painful in general, then you should get it looked at. Particularly if there is more persistent pain in the pelvic area than normal.

7.    Back pain. When combined with some of the other symptoms on this list, back pain can be another clue that something is very wrong. Particularly lower back pain, such as is often felt during menstruation, but it often more severe and in combination with other troubles. Particularly if your pain extends into the pelvic area.

8.    Fatigue. Feeling exhausted all the time or persistently can alert you to there being some kind of underlying condition that you should get checked out.

All in all, if there is something going on with your body that does not seem normal, you should see your doctor as soon as possible. Always be sure to keep track of what seems abnormal and concerns you may have so that your doctor can know the extent of the issue and will be able to surmise whether or not you need tested.