Dating Someone of a Different Religion

When you are in love you seem to agree with most of the things but then this does not mean you dismiss some issues you differ in as they might cause serious problems for you in future. Deal with your differences as a couple until you come to an agreement on what to do and what not to do. Different religious views cause problems in the world so your relationship is not immune to these problems if the issue is not tackled. If you are expected to date within your faith dating outside it might cause problems. Interfaith relationships have worked for different people because the main point is to respect each other’s religious views.

Ways to dating someone of a different religion work

1. Do not ignore the issues instead face them.
Most couples feel the connection they have with each other is too strong that even religious issues cannot come between then but these differences creep up later in the relationship and it might be too late. The trick is not to ignore interfaith issues, talk about the religious issues early in the relationship. Ask questions about assumptions you have heard and had about the other religion and let you partner tell you what assumptions they have heard about your religion make clarifications. This is the best time to discuss religion because ignoring it does not mean that it will go away.

2. Identify your religion clearly
You have to come to an understanding which religion you will raise your kids in but most people are not sure where they belong. Most people belong to a particular religious group but they are not that into it, so they are not sure that they would want to be identified with that group. Take time to identify who you are religiously, it is normal that when you grew up you were introduced to a religion by your parents and you continue following without having a sense of belonging. Cultural identity and religious identity are two main issues that influence your entire life. So as you grow you experience the disadvantages, advantages, then you experiment and at some point you might even rebel against your religion. Identify if it is the right thing for you and have a sense of belonging.

3. You have to get to a period of unconditional experimentation
You might not quite understand your partner’s religion until you expose yourself to their practices. At some point you will have to expose yourself to your partners religion not with the intention to convert and your partner will not really be expecting you to convert; but first it shows you are serious about your relationship as you want to learn more about your partner and secondly, you will learn more about their religion and wipe out any misconceptions you might have.

4. Share about your religious histories
Do not force decisions in your relationship concerning religion. Sometimes you will find a person who is so much religious but at some point or during some situations he/she feels the religion does not do the right thing. For example you have no problem with attending religious meetings but you might not be comfortable about how they conduct their weddings. Take time to share all these things with your partner so that your partner does not get shocked when it gets to that point. This will also make it easier when choosing the religion to raise your children in. This will make you understand your partner better you will know why they converted to that religion and how they find it so far. If they came from another religion why they came from there? With a bit of religious history you understand your partner better.

5. Counseling is very important
Do not wait until your religious differences affect your relationship to look for a counselor. Prepare ahead of time by both of you visiting a therapist and voice your concerns about the different religions. When tackled early religious issues will not be a stumbling block but if left for later they might cause unseen strife. As a couple you can consider joining one of the many relationship courses which will help you resolve various issues and come to a point of a common ground which you can base your relationship on.