Surgical Treatment for Clogged Pores

You may be wondering if now is the time to try a surgical treatment for clogged pores, and if so then you had better read this first. There is still hope, and you do have options.

One of the most common questions asked is should Fraxel Repair or Laser surgery be used for clogged pores. The truth is that these are remedies that work well for some skin conditions like scaring, but clogged pores is not one of them. What is suggested for clogged pores would be microdermabrasion or even getting on a Retin A regimen. Not only will these help with clogged pores, these options are much cheaper than the surgical alternative.

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Try a More Conservative Treatment Approach in the Beginning

Again, Fraxel Repair and surgery is a bit extreme unless you are attempting to rid yourself of scars. Even then this is not an approach that will assist you in your anti-clogging battle. Having a consultation with a local dermatologist may help you to answer a lot of questions and save you money. The answer may be as simple as using a Retinoid every night to unclog your pores.

Things you can do Before Considering Surgery

Being on a routine and being faithful to a routine are two totally different things. Benzoyl Peroxide is one of those things you have to be faithful to if you want it to work. You also have the salicylic acid alternative to be considered. Again, a dermatologist can help you to determine which is best for your skin, but it is something you have to use consistently for total affectivity.

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Natural Things You can try to Unclog Pores before Going through a Surgical Procedure

Some people are simply unhappy because they have a few flaws because of clogged pores while others suffer more serious flaws. Whether you are dealing with a lot of skin issues or a few there are natural at home remedies that may allow you to avoid surgery.

You can Reduce, Shrink and Close Pores at Home

Proper cleansing techniques are key here. Exfoliation is critical, and there are some great exfoliator recipes that cost very little and can be blended in your kitchen!

You can grind an orange peel along with almonds to make a homemade scrub. Another great solution is using 1 tablespoon of lemon juice along with a whole cup of rose water and a half of a cup of cucumber juice to apply to your face.

Then you have the steaming option followed by a cold water rinse. Mashed papaya is fantastic to apply to your face for a pore shrinking mask. One all-time favorite is using ground oatmeal mixed with apple cider vinegar and natural honey as a mask.

The possibilities are numerous, but you have to find a natural remedy that works best for your unique skin type. It does not have to come down to surgery in most cases. These and a wide variety of other home remedies will help you with your struggle with oiliness and large pores as well as clogged pores. You can feel comfortable in your own skin without surgery in most cases.