Best Shapewear for Muffin Top Syndrome

So you’ve got a muffin top. Didn’t know what one of those was… until you got one. That pudgy bulge of tummy flesh that oozes over your jeans line no matter what you do. You’ve tried to get a higher hip line cut to your jeans. But that less than cute little muffin top manages to roll that higher cut down to meet its own comfort zone. You can’t wear t-shirts anymore or any other type of form fitting shirt because it looks ridiculous now. And to be honest, some of your shirts are just too short now to cover the pudge.

Don’t panic. Muffin top syndrome can be disheartening, but you can work around it. Part of what is happening is that your body is changing. You’re not a little girl anymore. You’re not going to be able to maintain that flat tomboy figure for the rest of your life. You are easing in to your curves.

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Reconsider low cut jeans. Reconsider the higher hip line cut jeans. It’s time to discover your waistline. If you want to show off a smaller waistline, you need to find out where it is and embrace it.

Once you start trying on waist cut jeans and slacks, you might be amazed at what an astounding figure you have when you present it properly.

The type of blouses and shirts you wear make a difference as well. Once you move to a waistline cut, you’ll probably discover you can wear more of your existing blouses and shirts, including your t-shirts again. They look much better now. But what if you still want to keep some of your lower cut jeans? You’ve got your favorites and you’re not willing to give them up yet. Not to mention, dieting isn’t totally out of the question.

Okay. Fair enough.

Some of the best blouses and shirts for disguising muffin top syndrome without looking like you’re wearing a tent, have a long loose cut that comes down to about the bend line of your upper thigh and hip. That guarantees complete muffin top coverage even if your pants start to roll down to make room.

But a loose cut left to its own demise looks like a tent. That’s why, when looking for that long loose cut, you want it to gather somehow just below your bust line. You can do it yourself with a wide belt that’s been designed for just such a use. These belts usually have some sort of elastic built in for comfort and easier mobility with less resistance. These things are very important as you will discover. Get the right belt.

There are blouses and shirts, though, that have already incorporated the below the bust line gather into their pattern. They might tie in the back, accentuating your waist line. Or they might simply be cut tighter just below the bust line, maybe stitched somehow, or have a type of elastic included in the design that allows it to flare out further down.

Once you explore these alternative styles, you’ll view your womanly figure in a calmer light. You’ve entered the realm of breathtakingly beautiful women like Marilyn Monroe. It is just a matter of learning new style techniques. It’s definitely not the end of the world. So don’t you dare throw that floor length mirror away! You’re going to want to enjoy your new figure. Because that’s exactly what you’ve got now… a figure that is going to drive all the men crazy once you stop trying to stuff it into little girl clothes.