It’s all about CBD guys – an interesting and important ingredient that is widely discussed and one that is quite becoming indispensable in many industries, including the beauty industry. From lotions to creams, salves to even bath soaps, CBD has been nothing, but just over the industry. And with the legalization of marijuana in the US and some major countries around the world, the cultivation of cannabis seeds has astronomically increased, prior to previous years. Which means, there will be more CBD and CBD related products in the market. What that tells you is the world would be exploring new ways on how to benefit from this magnificent ingredient. At least, while the law is still backing up the usage.
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Acupuncturist and other health personnel are among those people who have explored the world of CBD. They have found some ways in incorporating CBD in their treatments, which they say has some pain relieving properties and aids digestion, rest, and sleep. In other words, CBD is as useful to the beauty industry as it is to the medical world.
In case you don’t know what we are talking about, CBD or cannabidol is a chemical compound among the cannabinoids group that is found in sativa cannabis or marijuana plants. The only way you can get CBD is by extracting it from a cannabis plant by a series of processes. Unlike most cannabinoids compounds, including THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), the CBD is not psychoactive, illegal, and a danger to the human body functioning.

Not being psychoactive has made the CBD a great option for the use of many things. CBD oil, which is used in many beauty products is known to provide some skincare properties that will keep your skin glowing all summer and winter. Apart from keeping your skin glowing, it reduces acne and have some inflammatory and antioxidant properties that prevents your skin from having skin diseases like eczema. It prevents the sebaceous gland cells from secreting excess sebum, which is among the factors that results to acne. See no reason why you don’t want to use a CBD product!
That accounts for the reason it’s used in most beauty products. CBD beauty products can literally transform that dark and dull skin into something ravishing and smooth. It has great penetrating properties that soothes even the deepest part of the skin to bring about effective results. Call it a “miracle skin cure” and you won’t be far from the truth.
Don’t think CBD products are only restricted to enhancing skin beauty. They have a couple of other healthy benefits, which has contributed to the surge in production and consumption.
The mind is a big beneficiary of CBD. It helps the mind to relax and eliminates anxiety and depression, which are prevalent mental disorders. It’s believed that CBD has unique abilities that acts on the brain receptors like serotonin, which regulates mood.
CBD also have some pain-relieving effects. Arthritis, chronic pains, muscle spasms are some of the diseases CBD help to relieve. CBD acts on endocannabinoids, which the body produces naturally to reduce these pains.
It’s important to note that CBD products are generally not the same. Some products use hemp seed oil or sativa seed oil in place of CBD. However, this replacement doesn’t make the product less of a quality when compared to CBD products. In fact, hemp seed oil products have the same antioxidant properties with CBD products. Other than that, they are somewhat different.
However, since we are dealing with CBD beauty products, it’s only fair that we base this article on it and don’t get carried away.
Now with summer approaching, it’s natural that you begin your search for products that will keep your skin smooth and glowing. Well, CBD products are the answer. Below are some CBD beauty products that will give your skin that summer glow.
Lord Jone’s High CBD Formula Body Lotion
Made by Lord Jones, this CBD Formula Body Lotion was launched in 2018 with the aim of making skins look soft, smooth, and pure. With zero THC, this moisturizing lotion will easily absorb into the skin and do the necessary skin repairs. The bottle contains 100mg of CBD, alongside Lord Jone’s sage fragrance and green citrus to make sure your skin is getting the most out of this CBD lotion. When you apply it to your body, it brings a cooling effect, typical of a Lord Jone and CBD ingredient. So after some hot workouts and a hectic day, this product can relieve you of all body pains. This product costs about $60 at and

Full Spectrum CBD Lip Balm
Worried about having dry and crackly lips? Well, worry no more! Full spectrum CBD lip balm from Verita’s Farms is your solution to keeping your lips smooth in the summer. This lip balm combines with shea butter, aloe vera, some hemp extracts, and CBD for a soft lip.

Kush and Cute’s High Healthy Skin Beauty Oil
Interestingly, this product is co-owned by black women and is known to be one of the most popular CBD product in the market. It was launched in 2017, November and since then, has gained so much popularity and demand. For only $15, the Kush and Cute will restore your dull skin and make it glow again. As an anti-aging oil, it controls the secretion of oil from the sebaceous gland, reduces eczema, acne, and repairs damaged cells. If you want your skin to look young again, this CBD product will be perfect.

Herbivore Botanical’s Emerald Deep Moisture Glow Oil
If you don’t want to go through the stress of looking for a CBD product that will suit your skin type, this deep moisture glow oil would suffice. It combines with hemp oil to bring about that skin nourishment and eradicate irritation. For moisture retention, it combines well with squalene oil that will leave your skin looking fresh even after long hours. It costs about $48 at

Aurelia CBD Super Serum
The Aurelia CBD super serum is made from CBD crystals, instead of the usual CBD oil. However, they are both the same with difference in extraction techniques. This super serum product is lightweight and penetrates your skin, leaving it smooth and glowing. It’s effective in reducing wrinkles, boosts collagen production, and hydrates your skin, preventing it from being dry all the time. It costs about $64 per pump.
Lord Jone’s high CBD formula body lotion and herbivore botanical’s emerald deep moisture glow oil are products that really stand out, but are pricey. However, that doesn’t mean other products are less in quality. All these CBD products stated here will keep your skin glowing in the summer so you shouldn’t be afraid of having a dry skin. These products will cater for your skin long enough to make sure it’s healthy properties are not lost.