When it comes to bar culture, there are very few things that are constant. Drinks change, gigs change, and yes, even bartenders’ faces change from time to time. One of the few things that always stay constant is the fact that men see bars as a place to hit on women.
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Most women have had at least one guy who bought them a drink in the past, if not more. Not all women get guys who approach them, and sometimes, the way they act might even scare otherwise-interested men away. Wondering what makes guys avoid certain women at the local bar scene? Here are the most common culprits.

Too many (or two few) friends.
Guys are surprisingly easily intimidated by a girl’s entourage-or lack thereof. A girl who is surrounded by friends might seem to be too difficult to speak to, while a girl who drinks alone may strike guys as the “desperate type.”
Most guys want to see someone who has at least one female friend with her, if only because it signals that she’s sane. You might be surprised at what having the right number of people around you can do.
An angry, sad, or bitter demeanor.
We’ve all seen this person at the bar: the one who’s clearly drinking away some kind of pain they don’t want to be experiencing. They’re angry. They’re sad. They might be grieving something, or they might just be trying to drown out their feelings in alcohol.
That kind of vibe isn’t easy to hide. In fact, it radiates off the people who have it. Men are absolutely terrified of a woman who oozes that much bitterness, which is why they almost never go near her.
Being too aggressive.
Most men are pretty flattered when a girl hits on them, it’s true. But, there’s hitting on someone and basically tearing their clothes off while they’re still in public. Even the most desperate of men don’t like seeing a girl who acts like she’s trying to get pregnant right then and there.
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Just like girls can’t stand guys who get too creepy and aggressive, most guys will back away from a girl who seems desperate for sex.
Getting blackout wasted.
This is one move that only scares away decent people. Guys who don’t want to be caught messing with a girl in a vulnerable position will usually avoid talking to girls when they’re totally wasted. It’s not a good look.
Predatory guys, on the other hand, will gravitate towards girls who seem like they’re too drunk to handle themselves. The reasons why are pretty obvious, right?

Drinking more than everyone else.
Even if you don’t get completely blitzed, there’s something to be said about how offputting it is to see a girl who can outdrink most guys. Though it could be impressive to fraternity bros, the truth is that most men who see a girl guzzling her eighth shot of whiskey balk.
They don’t sit there and marvel at how hardcore she is. Rather, they think, “She’s got a problem. I’m not touching that.”
Dressing up too much or too little.
Believe it or not, guys do pay attention to what girls wear. Most men like the “average girl next door” look when they see it at a bar. It’s approachable. It’s respectable. It literally reminds them of people they might already know.
Being loud and rowdy.
Though it’s most commonly associated with drinking a little too much, it’s absolutely possible to be a rowdy bargoer without touching a drop. Some people just see bars as the place to go when they want to start trouble—and that’s never something guys find attractive.
No one wants to be with someone who they need to worry about handling if they decide to blow a gasket. Even rowdy guys don’t want to be with a girl who could make a scene while they’re standing right next to them. It’s embarrassing and could put them in a bad legal position.
Did you ever meet someone at a bar who seemed normal at the beginning, but quickly devolved into a trainwreck due to oversharing? Most of us have met at least one person who brings on a TMI flood after a drink or two. It’s not a comfortable feeling, hearing all that stuff.
Believe it or not, loose lips can sink ships in the world of dating–including potential relationships. Ladies who overshare, it might be time to rethink your drinking.