These pants look so cool. Hmm, jeggings. Is it me, or do jeggings look a lot like skinny jeans? Is there a difference between the two? I guess we’re going to have to find out. In this article, we will be learning everything that we need to know about jeggings and skinny jeans.
What Do Jeggings Look Like?
To understand which is which, here is a tutorial. You know what leggings are right? Jeggings are leggings, but they look like jeans. That denim look printed on the fabric is usually made out of legging jersey fabric and an elasticated waist.
While jeggings are very comfortable, they are not leggings. That is the first part that every user has to understand. Jeggings are different. They have a much higher waistline than skinny jeans or any other pants.
What Do Skinny Jeans Look Like?
Onto skinny jeans. Like the name, skinny jeans are skinny. Unlike jeggings, skinny jeans are made out of a thicker material but are fit more to act like normal jeans.
The Material of the Pants
Skinny Jeans
Skinny jeans have a thicker material. Unlike jeggings, they have front and back pockets. Pants are not fun when they don’t have pockets. All skinny jeans have a zipper at the front.
Jeggings are made out of a thinner material. At the front, the pockets are stitched up. No worries, jeggings have pockets, but in the back. One key difference is that some jeggings have a zipper at the front.
Jeggings don’t have a belt loop. Skinny jeans are best compared to leggings with belt loops, pockets, and zippers.
Can the Pants Stretch?
Jeggings are more stretchable than skinny jeans. Jeggings are deemed one-size-fits-all due to the elasticity of their material. Some people consider jeggings to be a tighter fit and to be more form-fitting than skinny jeans which are known to be the tightest type of jeans available on the market.
The Structure of Jeggings
Another difference between the pants is the structure. Because jeggings don’t have a zipper or a button to secure the pants, the stretchable material serves a better purpose. Have you noticed that there is a zipper or a button? You have been fooled. That is only their for decoration purposes.
How Should I Wear These Pants?
Both skinny jeans and jeggings should be worn as followed. They should be able to fit as skintight as possible. Unlike skinny jeans, jeggings are skintight down to the ankles. Do you look like you’ve been dipped in paint?
Skinny jeans have more breathing room. They fit closely to the legs, leaving some looseness. They show the outline of your legs. Most customers have complained their jeggings are too tight on them.
As for jeggings, don’t wear them like actual pants. Because jeggings fit like tights, they lack the structure of real

How Many Styles Are There?
Jeggings are soft and super stretchy, giving them a second-skin feel. Though typically the pants are composed of a combination of Lycra and nylon, materials like cotton, leather, and suede are also popular. Most styles have an elastic waist and lack the details you find on typical jeans, like pockets, rivets, and zippers.
Skinny Jeans
Skinny jeans have a slim silhouette and a small opening at the ankle. They’re found in a variety of styles, including high, mid, and low-rise. Often, skinny jeans have a little stretch to help them fit better. The right pair operates on almost any body type, whether the user is little and curvy or tall and lean. Some users may need to have these pants hemmed if you’re on the shorter side.
What Do Users Love Most About the Pants?
They’re comfortable, that’s for sure. But, are each pair a different type of comfortable?
Customers love jeggings because they are stretchable, soft, and are comfortable. They are better to wear than jeans which are rougher to wear. However, jeggings are not easy to pull up over the thighs because of how thin they are. While putting them on you’re going to start a dance craze just to get your hips into them.
Skinny Jeans
The same reasons as followed by jeggings. They also stretch and fit nicely on the body. On the downside, some users find them tough to wear because of the material. Users love those skinny jeans because they can bunch up and still look stylish. Bunching skinny jeans around the ankle is very forward.
What Can You Wear With Them?
Because jeggings are a cross between jeggings and jeans, it’s okay to wear similar shirts that you would wear with jeans. Oh, and they are also very similar to leggings, too. Wear a long, loose shirt. Wearing a t-shirt under a long vest works as well. The longer and looser the top is, it creates an interesting contrast to the skin-tight jeggings. The style hides any bulges around the middle, rear, or thighs.
Oh, as for shoes, a nice pair of sneakers does a great job of making you stand out from the crowd. Jeggings also look great coupled with trendy style sandals. If you’re looking to get dressed up wear some pumps with the look.
Skinny Jeans
You can wear any shirt with skinny jeans. For anyone new to wearing skinny jeans, opt for a long-over-lean style direction. Skinny jeans provide a lean look. A shirt or sweater that falls over the hips makes them look great. Skinny jeans are a natural match for tunics, flowing pullovers, and hip-length cardigans.
Augment your legs with a heeled bootie, wedge sandal, or platform shoe. Once you build up your style, try skinny jeans with shorter tops and anything you like wearing tucked-in, like a blouse or tee. A pair of skinny jeans, a tucked-in t-shirt, a contrast belt, and a casual blazer looks stunning.
As For Both (Let’s Talk Shoes)
Jeggings and skinny jeans are the best companions for boots, flats, and even heels. While skinny jeans are great for tucking into slouchy ankle boots, jeggings are the perfect bottoms for thigh-high boots currently taking the autumn by storm, or even 60s inspired ankle boots that usually work only with bona fight tights.
Tips for When I Shouldn’t Wear the Pants
Let’s be real. Jeggings and skinny jeans are not to be worn during exercise periods. No, you will not be able to bend properly. Here’s what you should wear for each pants style.
Jeggings are not ideal for hot, muggy, summer days, that is if you have air conditioning. The thick material is tight and contains a lot of spandex. That traps heat and sweat. Save your jeggings and skinny jeans fall-time. Wearing a sweater looks better than sweating in a t-shirt with your friends.
- It’s Best Not to Go Overboard
Although you may feel confident wearing skinny jeans and jeggings, here’s what you need to avoid. They’re not pants that you should show-off all the time. Remember what Catwoman looked like? That’s not the look you are looking for.
Look and opt for a top to balance the sleekness of your jeggings and skinny jeans. Pair your jeggings and skinny jeans with a statement sweater or an oversize dress shirt for when you go out for the night. You can also rock a fitted tank with a leather bomber to keep you balanced and flattering.
- Test Out Denim Skinny Jeans
When it comes to wearing skinny jeans don’t overlook your choice of washes. The key is to guarantee the wash of the jeans to coordinate well with the jacket or top. Skinny jeans work terrific with knee-high boots because you can stuff the legs inside.
What Happens if I Go Overboard?
Going overboard with your jeggings or skinny jeans look does not look good on your part. Pick a season that you want to wear them in. Keep accessories to a minimum, too. to a minimum. Let your style speak for itself.
We all have different styles when it comes to wearing jeggings and skinny jeans. Pair jeggings with a statement coat, but keep away from going overboard with accessories. Rock any look that you choose, just be comfortable with what you wear.
Wear Them Like Actual Pants
Yes, wear jeggings and skinny jeans like they are actual pants. You have to keep it simple. Unlike skinny jeans which don’t have pockets, you should still wear them. They’re clothes.
Pockets add structure so if you pair them with a top that hits your waist, it won’t look as though you’re simply wearing tights. That way, you can tuck in your t-shirt, blouse, or tank for a more defined look.
One part about wearing skinny jeans or jeggings is that you cannot forget about is incorporating extra pieces of your interest. For the fall, put on a sweater and sell that look. Create a style that sells your personality in skinny jeans or jeggings. They are here to make you feel good.