One of the most difficult yet fascinating experiences in life is being polyamorous. I mean, dating one person is cool and has its fair share of troubles. So imagine what polyamorous people enjoy and go through at the same time.
I’ve got to admit that I kind of love it. The adventure and excitement of having two or more people in your life can be breath-taking. But what happens when it’s Valentine?
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Who would you choose over the other? It’s a dicey question, right? I’ve got a lot of folks who have been on this path for years, and I can assure you they don’t plan to quit anytime soon. So in this article, I’ll show you how polyamorous people manage their valentines without hurting any of their partners.
#1. Clearly Define Those You’re Dating And Don’t Add To The List
I understand that you just want to get every good girl that comes your way, but that’s the fastest way to die in 2020. You need to make a checklist and know those who you’re hooked up with and deserve a Valentine treat, and those who shouldn’t be on the list.
Also, you’ve got to know that as Valentine draws nigh, a lot of folks would be looking for a nice partner that will take them to a ball or dinner. If you don’t put yourself in check, you’ll literally have a dozen partners to take out on Valentine’s day.
#2. Prioritize Them
Let’s say you narrow down your list to three partners. That’s not too bad, but it can be disastrous if you don’t categorize them according to their level of relevance in your life.
One has got to be more precious to you than the other. The reason for this is that if you have a limited time to spare on Valentine, you certainly should spend it on the most important one of them.
Your priority list should probably be based on how much you love them, or based on how resourceful they are.

#3. Are They Aware Of The Others
Some polyamorous partners strive to tell all the people they are dating that they aren’t the only ones on the table. In some other cases, people tend to be shady about it.
If they are all aware that each of them is not the only one you’re dating, then it becomes easier. Make them realize you can not devote the entire day to one person.
When they are notified early, they won’t feel left out or disappointed. If, on the other hand, your affairs are secret, then you’ve got to be extra careful, so no one finds out about it.
#4. Inquire From Them What They Would Want For Valentine
I know Valentine can be quite surprising. But you shouldn’t risk being surprised, especially when your other girlfriends/boyfriends have no idea that you’re double or triple dating.
So it’s best you call each of them one after the other and inquire from them what they want for Valentine, where they would love to go to, and what they expect. No matter what happens, don’t make a commitment yet until you’ve heard from the other parties.
To be on the safer side, you should ask the partner you love most first. Since he/she tops your priority list, their opinions should be superior to the opinions of others.
#5. Schedule Your Valentine Events And Outings
After you’ve analyzed what they said, take a break and think things through. Then schedule a romantic outing for each of them. You don’t necessarily have to do what they proposed, that’s why you need to think things through.
You’ve got to ensure that the dates or outings you fixed with them don’t clash together. If possible, ensure there is at least an hour difference between the end of one date and the beginning of the next. Also, the hour difference should be enough for you to get to the venue of the next date while taking traffic jams and other factors into consideration.
#6. You Can Make The Valentine A Week-Long Event
Instead of fixing three dates on valentine, you can choose different days for each of your dates. The only thing is that some of them will have to choose a date outside of February 14th.
But then, whether it is February 15th or 17th, it doesn’t change the fact that love is still in the air. Splitting the event across a week will save you a whole lot of stress and give you enough energy for each of them.
#8. Invite All Your Partners To One Event
As long as they don’t bicker among themselves, this may be a good idea. It can be considered a big family get together, and your partners would get to know one another.
You just have to put up a good budget and be certain that all hell won’t let loose. I have a friend who called her three boyfriends to hang out with her in her crib.
They all ended up playing Xbox together, are meals, had healthy conversations and said goodnight to one another. If your partners are as cool as these guys, then one event will do the magic.
#9. If Your Partner Doesn’t Care For An Event, Send Some Presents
You may be lucky to have some partners who don’t care about valentine or other holidays. I called it “lucky” because it will save you a whole lot of stress. What you can do in such scenarios is to send them presents instead.
Just get something they will love even though they don’t fancy the event. For some of them, the only problem is that they are pretty busy to go out with you.
If this is the case, fixing another event farther away won’t be so bad. Try to make it up to them
#10. Take Pictures
In all you do, don’t forget to take enough pictures. Pictures are memories you can ride on. When the events are over, these pictures can come in handy to let your partners know how much you care.