Is It Bad? Sharing Pictures of New Boyfriend Soon After a Breakup?

Some people move on pretty fast after a breakup. That is why it is not unusual to see people sharing pictures of a new fling on social media after a breakup. Sharing photos of a new boyfriend soon after a breakup may be your way of coping with the heartbreak. It may also mean that you’ve moved on to another relationship. The question now is, whether it is the right thing to do. In all honesty, it is not all that cool to share pictures of a new boyfriend soon after a breakup. Here are some reasons why it does not sound right to share photographs immediately after a breakup:

1. Shallow Thing to Do

Most times, the motive behind sharing photos of a new boyfriend soon after a breakup is to make an ex-jealous. This is a shallow thing to do. You don’t have to send a message that you’ve moved on. In fact, you are matured and have moved on you will not come to social media to share pictures of a new boyfriend. Instead of taking this shallow routine, be the grown person and move on. Even if you found love soon after a breakup, you don’t need to make your ex-feel jealousy about it. Enjoy your new found love privately and avoid the privy eyes of the world.

2. The Signal that you’ve been A Cheat

Sharing pictures of a new boyfriend after a breakup shows that you must have had feelings or been in a relationship with the new boyfriend while still with your ex. That means you were cheating on your ex with the new guy. Trust me; this will cancel out any chance you have of ever getting back together with your ex. 

3. Most Likely To Fail

Sharing pictures of a new boyfriend immediately after a breakup is an indirect way of telling your ex that you have moved on. A quick relationship after a breakup is more of a rebound and in most cases; rebound relationships do not last long.

4. Protect Your New Love

If you have dated someone that is violent and insecure in the past, putting up a picture of your new love could be dangerous. If your partner is the jealous type, you may be putting your new lover at risk. There are cases where an ex-attacks and even end the life of his ex’s boyfriend. So why take that chance all in the name of showoffs?

5. Self Respect

We sometimes know bad things happen and we have to move on with our lives. But if you rush to show off the next chapter of your life every time you break up from a relationship, you are degrading your self-worth. You need to take some time and observe your new relationship, figure out where it is headed before you begin to show off and brag about it. Failure to do so will severely traumatize you later in the future. You will end up broken and in pains when you realize how much damage you have done with showing the world what should have been kept private.

What You Should Do Instead:

A. Become the Matured Person

As we earlier mentioned,  sharing pictures of a new boyfriend soon after a breakup is a shallow behavior. Take the matured route instead. If you’ve genuinely found love soon after your breakup, keep the relationship out of the social media.

B. Focus on Building Your New Relationship

In as much as it is advisable that you spend time after a breakup to heal and rediscover yourself if you find love soon after a breakup, focus on building your new relationship. The time you spend flaunting your new boyfriend on social media, take time to know your boyfriend better and establish a secure connection with him. 

So far, you’ve seen the implication or message you pass when you share pictures of a new boyfriend soon after a breakup. As suggested in this write-up, be the matured person, keep your new relationship private and focus on building a long-lasting relationship with your new love. Even if your ex is doing same, be the matured person here.