How to Clean a Mattress after a Bed-Wetting Accident

Nocturnal enuresis also known as bed wetting is involuntary release of urine during the night while sleeping. Though it is most common in children it can happen to people in college and in adulthood. In adults and teenagers, it could be an indication of underlying problems and seeking medical attention for these underlying problems would be a good way out of bed-wetting.

Urine causes unpleasant smells and stains which can be avoided if one acts fast and cleans the mattress. It is not enjoyable dealing with urine stains, but attending to the situations fast makes it better. Urine odor and stain set in fast because urine is made of uric acid crystals which means that an enzyme based cleaning solution is the best guess to your cleaning. There is a wide range of products developed for treating pet urine stains which will work for human urine too. Choose a product, test it on a small area if it works use it to clean the rest of the area. Managing or cleaning after a bed-wetting incident cleaning up is a must but taking precautions to prevent such is better.

Steps on how to clean a mattress

  1. Take off the soiled bed linen immediately and seal them in a plastic bag until it is time to wash.
  2. Blot up the excess urine on the mattress using a dry towel, paper towels and clothes. Do not rub the stain to prevent it from spreading deeper into the mattress.
  3. Then on the affected area, sprinkle baking soda for the remaining moisture to be absorbed.
  4. Make a biological washing solution. A solution can easily be made by mixing white vinegar with warm water in equal measures; that is one part to one part. Alternatively, you can choose any other commercial ingredient such as Persil bio and mix with water or you can take one cup of warm water add one teaspoon of dish detergent to make a solution.
  5. Whichever mixture you settle on transfer it in a spray bottle or use a dab towel. Spray the solution over the stain and leave it for about 5 minutes. If you use a commercial stain remover follow instructions on how to use the product, wear gloves while cleaning and ensure the room is well ventilated. Counterbalance the amount of urine to the amount of stain remover then leave it to air-dry.
  6. Blot up any extra moisture with a dry cloth or dry towel. This is to prevent mold and get the mattress to be as dry as possible.
  7. Deodorize the mattress by using the baking soda again. Sprinkle it generously over the whole mattress for the odor to be thoroughly absorbed. Give the mattress time to dry out thoroughly for not less than 18 hours.
  8. Vacuum the baking soda and leave the mattress in a well ventilated area or outside for the odor to completely vanish. Until it is thoroughly dry make other sleeping arrangements.

Cleaning the body

  1. Soiled clothing cause discomfort physically not to mention the odor emitted. Prolonged wearing of wet clothes can cause skin irritation. Have extra pajamas near the bed that is if it is a frequent occurrence. This makes it easier to change clothes and beddings immediately after such an accident. Have a plastic bag nearby where you can easily put the soiled clothes to prevent the odor from filling the room.
  2. If you are at home or a comfortable environment take a shower. If you are in places where you want your problem to remain undisclosed use wet wipes, dry clean towel or disposable paper towels to clean the soiled parts of the body. Use talc-based body powder to manage the moisture on the skin.

Now you know what to do to get rid of urine stains from the mattress nonetheless, it is important to be prepared for future incidences. There are sealed protectors readily available for beddings and they also protect beddings from dust mites and other allergens. There are mattress covers designed for the mattresses in cases of bed wetting. There are three main types of mattress covers are absorbent, waterproof and sheet protectors. Earlier these protectors would crack and still pass urine to the mattress, but thanks to technology, we have subtler products with breathable fibers keeping you relaxed and protected.

NOTE:  When someone bed wets just know it was not intentional so do not yell or punish them. Whether an adult or a child this might cause them to be scared and anxious. If it is a child help them change their clothes and involve them in the changing of the beddings, to teach them on the steps to follow in cleaning the mattress, you will be surprised how fast they learn. Let them know that they can trust you and ask for help whenever they want.