How to Emotionally Manipulate a Man

Reverse psychology

This works like magic on dominant males, reverse psychology works so well, such that it should be illegal. If your partner is the kind that they would rather walk over thorny bushes than be proven wrong; you are lucky. It is very simple just telling them how they can’t do it and they will outdo themselves just to prove you wrong. Picture this, this man would rather watch the TV or visit friends than watch the kids. The wife learns of reverse psychology and decides to try it with doubts that it will work. So she tells the husband she was invited for a night out by her friends, but she turned down the offer because she did not think that the husband could do a good job of watching the kids. After all the kids said that he was not fun to be around, guess what, it worked like magic to the amusement of the wife. She was asked not to turn down the offer so that the man would prove that he could do it all by himself without her help.