How to Emotionally Manipulate a Man

Plant seeds

Alpha males can be stubborn and the above solutions might not always work. This calls for the planting of seeds which is a long and tedious process too. It can take a decade before your partner responds. The trick is when he thinks about taking the action he will think he thought the idea first. It needs patience, however the end result is worth it. How do you go about planting seeds in your partner? Consider this, this lady loved to visit new places, interact with new people and explore new cultures. So whenever she would suggest that she would love to visit the U.S. the husband would always put her off by telling her how expensive it is and she should visit the numerous tourist sites in Gold Coast. So over the years she learnt the art of planting seeds. She would research on the prices of return tickets from Los Angeles and mention how cheap it was every time they passed a travel agency office. Then should would research on amusement parks and watch the YouTube clips, sometimes show them to her husband just to increase his interest. She would check friends on social media who have travelled to such places and mention it to her husband arousing his curiosity the more. After almost five years of planting the seed one day they walked past a travel agent’s office and the husband impromptu says can we just go in and find out how much it costs to go to Los Angeles. According to him, he was the originator of the idea not knowing it was a seed planted and watered and the time had come for it to sprout into action. He made all the travel arrangements and the lovely lady finally got her trip to the U.S.