Are you dating a guy with so much body hair and you wish to talk him into getting rid of them? It’s not easy to get a man to lose his bodily hair, but there are ways you could convince him into checking out manscaping without getting into an argument or causing your guy to feel bad about his body.
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In this educative piece, we are taking you through ways which you could make your man get rid of all unwanted body hairs through manscaping without hurting his feelings.
All about Manscaping
Girls love men who look good with facial hair. Problems come when hairs in other parts of the body come between them and their man. When your guy leaves the hairs of the back beard untrimmed or unshaved, it gives him a shabby look. It is your responsibility to let him know that you don’t like the way he looks. Add action to your words by helping him make the decision to clean himself up.
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Manscaping is still a new term to many people, and you are probably getting to know about it for the first time. A long time ago, shaving body hair and looking clean was for ladies alone, while men were left to go wild. The situation is no longer the same as men are now expected to clear off that accumulated hair on the face and in hidden areas. Some guys may not want to hear this, but things are fast-changing, and they have to move along.
The hard part is how to make your guy see the need for manscaping. You just have to be convincing enough to tell him that a few razor swipes or the use of tweezers can do the trick. Most guys will turn down the idea for so many reasons.
Some people are naturally scared of sharp objects like the razor and wouldn’t want such purpose anywhere around them. If you are dating a guy like this, then you have to severally reassure him that he is not going to get hurt in the process so he would quickly agree to clean off those hairs.
Also, your man may feel that he is naked without his bodily hair. Hairs are firmly attached to male masculinity. Thus your guy wouldn’t want to get rid of his hair. You can help him understand that he needs to get rid of some of these hairs to feel clean and fresh. If he is a kind of guy that keeps thick facial hair, you could let him understand that such could make him look irresponsible.
Sometimes, you are going to deal with multiple areas which will require careful planning before going ahead. Here are a few simple tips to help you and your man go through the entire tough process.

Important Manscaping Tips
The concept of manscaping goes beyond shaving off the hair in the pubic region. It also does not suggest that your man should get rid of all the hair on his body. The purpose is to encourage a general cleaning or trimming of the hair on the body. Sometimes, the hair in the ear and nose grows out, making your man look scary and disgusting. You can help him trim those hairs with a hair trimmer. Don’t forget to start by shaving the mustache and the beard before going to the delicate areas.
After you are done with the face, it is time you move to more significant tasks with maybe a bit challenging for both of you. If your man has overgrown back or chest, you may choose to help him shave them. An electric groomer or a cream will make the task easier. Find out what your guy needs to decide the best approach.
If he is not going to go bare chest all the time, then a trim will do, and you don’t need total removal. Men tend to have a big ego, and your man may not like the idea of getting close to a razor.
So even getting him to shave untouched areas will be another challenge altogether. If you think he will not yield, do him some good by using those feminine tricks of yours. It will surely work well on him if he genuinely loves you and wants to look good to please you.
When it comes down to using tricks, there are severally ways to get your man to shave off those thick, bushy hairs. You could promise him gifts after every successful grooming session or make him his favorite meal to spur him to take one for the team. Except for exceptional cases, you won’t have a hard time convincing your man to try out manscaping.
In your excitement, don’t forget the rules of hygiene. Shaving the nether region needs extra caution to avoid possible infections. You may apply wax for some areas and use grooming scissors or fingernails for the rest. If you are not sure what best thing to do, leaving some hair will be a good idea.
You don’t have to do everything on your own as this could be risky. For instance, professionals can help you apply wax if you are new to the habit of hair-removal. Tell your partner that he needs to develop the habit of manscaping after the initial exercise. It is a practice he should never forget if he wants to keep his body neat and healthy. Encourage him to invest in electronic trimmers, tweezers, and other useful tools.
Don’t buy the idea that men who keep their body neat by trimming their hair or shaving it off are all bodybuilders trying to show off their features. Regular guys like your man need it to look good just like women do. And you don’t have to be told the additional benefits manscaping adds to sex between you and your man.
Steps to Manscaping
Men and women have the same options of using wax, cream, and razor during shaving. There is nothing particularly special for men, except the fact that you are helping him go through the process. You must not apply wax to genital areas due to the thinness of the skin around those areas.
If you must use the cream, buy the ones specially made for sensitive areas, and test if they are safe for the task. The burns from harmful chemicals can do a lot of damage to the skin, and that may make him lose interest in manscaping. If he is more comfortable with using a new blade, let him shave with caution to avoid cutting himself.
Do your research carefully before embarking on manscaping. Inform him that the hair takes a long time to grow up after using wax to shave. But if he cuts with a blade, the hair grows faster, accompanied by some itch. Since wax isn’t the best option, you may take a few Tylenol or Advil before shaving. Keep a soothing cream close by to help kill the pain that comes with using wax.
Areas that Require Hair Removal
It depends on the nature of your man’s body and how much hair he has all over his chest. You may notice how he wears a sweater even while on the beach. You don’t want people to keep staring at him with that confused look.
Why in the world would a nice guy cover himself like that on a beautiful day? Try telling him to consider doing something about the hair on his chest. It is safe to use wax for those hairs on the arms or back. If you don’t mind, start your manscaping from the genital areas and work your way around other parts of the body.
Shaving off the hair in the lower region will make your man’s genitals look bigger. This will give him a new self-confidence, which is vital during sex. Removing the hairs on the chest provides your guy that look that encourages him to show off his masculine features. He will feel great in the same way other men do.
You cannot see all the benefits of cleaning up until you get started. Create time to discuss with your man and let the two of you come up with the best way to go about manscaping. He may not like some of the processes, but it is your responsibility to help him all through the journey. You both will enjoy the fun of working together to achieve something as crucial as manscaping.
Bottom Line
The tricks above would work on any regular guy who is in love with you. Depending on your approach, you can get faster results within a short time. However, if you are dating a man who has personal reservations for his bodily hair, then you may be faced with a hard nut.
When you face this kind of situation, you don’t have to nag him into grooming or persuade him incessantly. When you bother, you make it more difficult for him to shave. You just have to keep talking to him and hoping he buys your idea.