How to Tell If You’re Boss Is Attracted to You

Sometimes you may find it hard to avoid relationships in the workplace, especially when your boss gives you that romantic look. If you find the possibility of office doubtful, then this article is what you need to get to know when your boss is attracted to you.

Boss-subordinate relationships are fast rising in offices today. So it is not uncommon if you notice that your boss is beginning to see you in another light. In this informative piece, we will help you figure out how to tell if your boss is attracted to you. Mind you that attraction can be two things: its either your boss wants to have a relationship with you or he is just sexually attracted to you. Mind you that whichever is his intentions, it is undoubtedly going to change the way you work if you give in to his desires. So here are few tips that will help you figure out if your boss is in love with you;

He Gives You Special Attention

If your boss is attracted to you, he shows it by being at your desk almost more frequently than usual. While it is not abnormal for a boss to interact with subordinates, hanging around you longer than is needed is undoubtedly a sign of a romantic interest. When he wants to spend more work time with you, he asks to be your direct supervisor and is always checking to see if you have finished with your task, know it that your boss wants something more than just the office-work relationship.

He Confides in You More Often

If your boss is attracted to you, he will share much personal and professional information with you and still feel at ease. You may find some of them inappropriate in the workplace, but he will share them with you anyway. He has attracted to you.

He Looks at Your Direction Too Often

You can sense when someone is looking at you. You feel it genuinely, and when you raise your head, you find your boss staring at you.

He Finds Ways to Begin a Conversation

When a guy is attracted to a girl, he makes it a duty to strike up a conversation. If your boss does precisely the same, tell yourself that he is attracted to you. 

He Tries to Stay Calm When You Are Around

Since he is now attracted to you, he will have a difficult time trying to feel composed when you are around. His struggles may be obvious to you as he tries hard to cover what he feels toward you.

He Searches for You

Your boss will look for you during break time. His attraction to you keeps him from staying away from you, and he will always find a way to keep you by his side. It’s not his fault; he can just help himself. This may be odd as you may feel he is stalking you. He is only looking for ways to spend more time with you in private. So do not be startled.

He Sends You Personal E-Mails

The boss is attracted to you, so he will start sending you personal emails. He will open up his life and share details about himself with you. It is a sign that he is into you and wants you to notice him.

He Phones You For No Reason

Don’t be surprised if your boss calls you at odd hours and for no reason. He is attracted to you, so he will try to call you just to hear your voice or for a chat. You may not understand why he could use his time that way, but he has feelings for you already.

Looking at all the above points, if your answer is in the affirmative, then it is clear that your boss likes you. If your boss is married, you are playing a dangerous game if you give him the green light. It is better to date single employees in your office than to get entangled with a married man. If company policy discourages intimate relationships among workers, then don’t let any ties cause you your job and personal happiness.