Labor Tips for First Time Mothers

Are you edging closer to your due date? You are probably getting paranoid as a first-time mother. It is normal for you to be afraid, but what were are you expecting when you rolled under the sheets a few months ago? You are going to be a mother and as they say, being a mother is not as easy as it sounds. 

However, you have no reason to be afraid; you are doing well so far and having the baby on the due date will go smoothly.

The thought of giving birth may strike fear into your heart, but you know there’s no way to escape it. As your first child, the baby naturally grows inside you, and you eagerly wait for the time the baby will be out. Your thoughts often trigger the fear of the birthing process. As you already know, giving birth has its emotional event, and you may like to discuss what your fears are.

According to a study in BMC of Pregnancy and Childbirth, talking with your doctor helps keep your mind calm. It also makes you look forward to the date of delivery with a positive mindset which makes the process less painful. With such positive mindset, a cesarean section is unnecessary.

Being your first experience means that you may not know when the labor comes on you. Some first-time mothers think that you have to discuss your symptoms with your doctors before you go into the labor room. You need to know that the baby is inside some fluid containing membranous sac also known as the amniotic sac. This sac breaks before or during labor.

It is possible that you may exaggerate your labor signs and even visit the hospital more than once. To keep your mind and body at ease, try to practice these activities;

  • Take a walk
  • Have some shower
  • Rest properly
  • Drink enough fluid
  • Listen to music

Usually, first-time mothers experience some signs of labor pains which get the body ready for the real labor. This is called prodromal labor, and it does not mean that the baby will come out because there is little or no cervical dilation. The important thing is to keep hydrated, eat energy foods, take enough rest and exercise often. Every woman has a different level of pain when it comes to giving birth, and the kind of activities that keep you calm will decide that. When you get closer to your due date, it is advised you have someone around you. You could invite your mother, your partner’s mother or your sister who have had the experience before. This will help keep you safe and ready for your delivery. Having someone to talk to, especially when that someone has had a baby in the past is reassuring. You will find comfort knowing that someone close has experienced what you are passing through first-hand.

Comfort Measures

  • Taking a walk
  • Taking a shower
  • A restful and peaceful environment 
  • Using different positions of sitting or resting
  • Light massaging of the abdomen
  • Applying cold compress
  • Using breathing and relaxation techniques

It is possible some women may decide that they will endure the months of pregnancy without using any medication. If you are in that group, consult your doctor for the best options. A little practice of yoga can help ease the discomfort you will feel during labor. Try some deep breathing techniques; it will help you relax better.


This works differently for women. While some can tolerate the second labor pain, others cannot. Some women find it easier to endure the pain of the real childbirth because the baby is coming out in the real sense. Injecting an epidural can stop the urge to push, so you must beware. You can wait for some time and then continue the pushing. However, some hospitals still keep the practice of encouraging women to push while they still had a contraction. For first time mothers, the baby may come out slowly or rapidly in some cases. There is nothing wrong with using different methods of pushing out as long as it’s your choice.