It can be so hard to get a little time to yourself. There’s always something to do, demands to be met. Children need attention. And let’s be real, you love them. But you’re important too. And the quality time that you give them will be better all around if you get a little quality time to yourself. So how do you pull off the impossible? It’s not as impossible as it might seem.
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1. Naptime
Yes, you’ve either been catching a few Z’s yourself during this golden moment, or you’ve been spending this quality time cleaning and tidying the house. But you are wasting a precious ‘Me Time’ resource.
Why not light a few candles, put on that new music you’ve wanted to listen to that your friends are all talking about, and somewhere in the cabinet is your favorite bubble bath fragrance. Remember those days you used to pamper yourself? You still have time. Run your bath. Luxuriate amongst the bubbles. Let the candles sooth you. Enjoy the music. And feel like a woman again.
2. Play Days
Play days are wonderful opportunities to catch a little ‘Me Time’ whether the play days are scheduled at your house or at the home of your child’s friend. You might have to be the one to initiate these play days. But, believe me; you’ll be speaking to another mother who’s in desperate need of a little ‘Me Time’ as well. Explain your diabolical plan to her.
On the week the play day is at your house, set up some easy to do crafts that involve clay, or Popsicle sticks and glue, or glitter and craft paper. Other days can involve a fort in the living room, or maybe their favorite movie and popcorn.
Now, while they’re keeping each other occupied, you’ve got time to catch up on your favorite book. What was that book anyway? That thriller everyone’s talking about! Under Lock and Key: The Experiment, that’s right, by Robin Geesman! Now, go catch some ‘Me Time’.
Just make sure you keep an eye on the time when it’s the week your child is at her friend’s house. Because you’re going to be having so much fun exploring your new found freedom that you’re not going to want to throw a wrench into this diabolical plan of yours by forgetting about the time when it’s time to rein it back in.
3. Daddy Days
Daddy days work a lot like play days because Daddies need bonding time too. You might, initially, have to point your hubby in the right direction where activities are concerned. But once he gets going this will probably be less of a hands on project. When you approach him on the subject, have a list of possible activities ready. Make sure they include free things like the free water park in the neighborhood and hobbies they can get into at home. And also have on the list things like ice cream shop day, or roller rink day. Have an agreed upon schedule his days will land on and write it down on the reference list, the calendar, and the sticky note you’re going to paste on the refrigerator. And enjoy your ‘Me Time’.
4. Grandma’s House!
These are some of the best made plans! Because sometimes these days include sleepovers! And sleepovers mean that your ‘Me Time’ can also include some ‘We Time’ as you and your man get to treat each other to a special evening in whatever way you wish to plan it. So whether your ‘We Time’ is at home or out on the town, enjoy it. You’ve earned it.
5. Backyard Play
First and foremost, make sure your backyard is safe, secured, and free of unwanted pests. Then whip out the bug jar. That’s right. Your child will spend hours exploring the backyard bugs! And don’t forget to show them how to look their bugs up on the internet to find out what kind they caught. Now enjoy your ‘Me Time’. You’ve got hours of it!
6. Computer Time
This seems too simple, but it’s true. Children will spend hours exploring the child friendly sites. Set up the safeguards first. And then let them have some time to become computer savvy while you finish up that great book you were reading.
7. Last but not Least!
Summer Camp. There are two different kinds. There are the day camps, full of activities and fun, and the kids come home at the end of each day. And there are the all out, pack the bags; they’re headed to the mountains, two week retreats! Some are longer. This is some quality ‘Me Time’.
Okay! You have your list. No more excuses! Take care of you. It’s important too.