The Biggest Mistake Women Make In Dating

It is common that once you meet a guy you like, you tend to dive into a relationship. You tend to give out your hearts and put your mind into the relationship with a man you care for. You tend to give away your exclusivity even before the man is ready to commit. 

When you close your options with other men way too early in the relationship, you lose your ability to get the type of intimacy and commitment you desire.  It is one of the biggest mistakes most women make and if you are doing so you need to put an end to it. You can go on a date with as many guys as you have an interest until you get to commit to someone you love. 

These are some things you should not do when you are dating. Or in other words, these are reasons why you should spread your options why it comes to dating:

1. Don’t Have the Needy Vibes, You Will Push Men Away From You

Having your hopes and dream built around one guy is wrong. You will develop this fear of losing the guy when you do so. And if you have this fear, you will end up losing him.

 You lose your personality, jump whoever he says you jump, change from the attractive person you are which attracted him to you to a first place into a person that is clingy, and needy. Instead of doing this, always try to keep your options open. Maintain your sanity and let him know that you are a prize to be won. 

When you start over investing in the relationship too quickly, you will begin to get the type of attention and affection you need. 

2. It Helps You Choose a Partner Your Partner Wisely

It is difficult to see the red signs when you have only one guy in your dating pack. You will think he is your only hope and in turn, you get to turn blind eyes to his faults. When you ignore these red flags, you get to waste a lot of time on someone who is undeserving of your love. 

Dating should be about meeting various persons until you find the special one, you can then decide to go exclusive and take the relationship to another level. 

Always keep your option open until you are sure you have found the right guy. Most women make the mistake of committing to a man that is apparently not ready to be with them. This will only lead to regrets and a broken heart. 

Make sure you are at least confident about the way your man feels about you before closing the door against other opportunities. Don’t e pushed into what you would regret in the long run just because you want to be loved. Take your time to evaluate your partner before you commit to him.

3. Learn to Take Things Slowly

You always hear relationship experts say that you should take things slowly especially when starting out a new relationship. How do you intend to take things slowly when you have fallen in love with your partner already? It is almost impossible to keep things slow when you are in a relationship with just one guy. 

4. Open Doors for Pleasant Surprises

Some relationship experts also advise that you should do away with your relationship checklist. In other words, don’t be too picky. But in reality, you should you should keep a list and also keep your options open when it comes to dating guys. 

You will increase your chances of meeting your dream guy when you do so. This way you can quickly move on without much regret if your current relationship hits the rock. 

However, do not jump from one relationship to another at the slightest challenge. Relationships are tough. You need to give it your best and be sure there is nothing you can do to salvage it before you give up. You are not sure about the next relationship you would be into, why abandon what you can redeem for what is unknown?

The following tips will help you avoid the mistakes most women make in relationships.