Does Coffee Cause Premature Aging?

The fact is that coffee is one of the causes of wrinkles. You can become addicted to caffeine, a substance commonly found in soda, energy drinks, coffee, and tea. To keep up a healthy lifestyle, you may have to cut your caffeine intake. Using caffeine for a long time can cause tooth decay, bad breath, and skin problems. According to dermatologists, taking two cups of coffee a day is enough. Anything beyond that is an overdose. Caffeine in coffee can adversely affect those with acne, rosacea or any tissue inflammation. Adding sugar and milk to coffee only leads to more wrinkles and premature aging. Let us look at how coffee affects your skin.


Caffeine in the body triggers frequent urination, thereby causing skin dehydration. Your body cannot hold water, so your skin becomes dry in the process. Dry skin ages faster than other types of skin. So, if you must drink coffee, be sure to take enough water beyond the recommended eight glasses per day to arrest skin dryness and keep a fresh looking skin. Dehydration can cause inflammation, loss of collagen, redness, and roughness of the skin.

Disrupts Hormones

The stress hormone in our body is essential to our response to stress. Coffee drinkers stand the risk of promoting high levels of cortisol and insulin which can cause inflammation. Anyone with tissue problem is exposed to more risks. One of the signs of stress is that it appears on your face and gradually forms wrinkles and premature aging. Other symptoms are abnormal sleep, anxiety, depression and mood changes.

Acne or Clogged Pores

The damage caffeine can cause to the human skin is enormous. The connection between acne and caffeine is yet to be ascertained, but it is a known fact that caffeine worsens the condition. Caffeine affects the liver and this, in turn, causes acne. Mixing sugar and milk in your coffee can also increase the chances of acne on the skin.

Stunted Collagen Production

The skin needs collagen-building protein to make the skin look healthy and fresh. However, caffeine can stall the production of collagen leading to dry skin. Reducing your intake of caffeine can lower the presence of wrinkles on your skin. Your skin will look better, healthier and hydrated.

Liver Spots

Tannin, an acid compound, is naturally found in coffee and black tea. The liver processes it and filters any toxins in the body. If you consume too much tannin, the liver will be overworked and may not be able to handle the saturation. This causes liver botches or liver spots on the skin, and your blood cannot be purified. Your pores become congested, and the delivery of nutrients to the skin is reduced. Clogged pores can cause acne.

Coffee Causes Wrinkles

As we mentioned earlier, caffeine takes away skin moisture and leaves your skin looking dry. Your skin develops lines and wrinkles because caffeine induces constant urination. This is how you lose the moisture in the skin. Even though lotion can help keep the skin moist, avoiding the depletion of moisture in the first place is the best way to tackle caffeine problems. Taking enough water is another option to support healthy skin. It will curb the development of wrinkles and lines on the skin, making your internal organs and skins healthier.

  The use of coffee on a daily basis has its advantages, but there are safer and healthy beverages that can be used to stay alert instead of coffee. A lot of people consume too much coffee until they are dependent on caffeine and can no longer do without it.  So instead of drinking too much coffee, try other natural tea with health benefits. Cut down on the number of coffee you consume every day, and whenever you feel the urge to take coffee, drink water instead.