How to Date Multiple Guys Without Being Shady

There is no shame if you decide to diversify your dating portfolio as a lady. In fact, it is highly recommended that you don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Learn to share your eggs into different baskets. 

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As long as you are not legally married, you are still a free agent as long as you can manage your multiple partners without being a jerk

There is a way to date multiple guys at the same time while keeping your dating karma intact. This post will outline some things that are acceptable and unacceptable when it comes to dating multiple guys at same time.

Acceptable Rules for Dating Multiple Guys:

1. First, if you are going to go on dates with multiple guys, have the self-respect no bring up your dating games as a topic over dinner. You can go on dates with as many guys as you want. Try to meet as many people as you can before you make up your mind on who to settle with. While at it, be decent enough to keep your tales to yourself.

2. It is okay to text or sends emails to multiple guys every day

3. Also, it is okay to break it off with other guys you see when things start to get serious one of your dates.

4. Ensure that you make it a rule to date guys that don’t know each other and have little or no chance of running into each other.

5. You can also go out on more than one date in a week. It is okay to accept dinner invitations from multiple guys

6. It is okay, to tell the truth about your location when one of your dates asks and also who you are with if they ask.

7. Also, it is okay to make up alternative names for your guys you are dating.

8. Finally, always remember to keep your cool when you discover that one of your dates is seeing another chick.

Unacceptable Rules for Dating Multiple Guys:

1. Telling your date about all the guys you are dating, including guys that want to hook up with you from social media. This sells you off as a cheap, confused girl that has no plan or focus on her relationship. Making your lifestyle of dating multiple guys known to your partners will only earn you the status of a serial cheat even when you don’t have an intimate relationship with all of them.

2. It is not okay to have sex with all the guys you are dating. First, it is not a classy thing to do. Secondly, you may be exposing yourself to diseases by doing so. You can make out with them, but let it end at that. The best thing to do is to let them know your boundaries. It would be difficult to keep them from making sexual advances. If you cannot handle all that pressure, it’s best you quit having multiple date partners.

3. It is not okay to text or email another guy while you are on a date with another person. Respect each of your dates and don’t let them know you are only trying them about so you could make the best choice. 

4. Telling a guy off because you have feelings for another person. You can still have the new interest around while you explore your feelings for the other person. Always keep your options open and even when you have found the right person, do not close down all other possibilities of meeting someone else just in case your relationship hits the rocks.

5. It is not okay to date multiple guys that stay in your office or work in the same office with you or are a part of your inner circle of friends.  Do not make this mistake or you would significantly damage your reputation as a person. Do not date two close friends, because when they find out about your plans, they may end u using you.

6. It is not okay to use a male as a ticket for a free meal when you know you are not interested in dating the person.