Major Signs Alcohol and Dating Don’t Mix For You

Alcohol is one of those things that can make or break dating success. For some, a drink or two can help loosen you up and give you the opportunity to actually enjoy a date. For others, having drinks during a date can turn you into a bigger dumpster fire than Lindsay Lohan during a meltdown. 

Everyone who wants to have an easier dating life should know whether or not alcohol is an ally when they’re trying to meet the right person. At times, drinking can be the biggest hurdle from getting into a healthy relationship. If you’ve been wondering whether you should put down the bottle, keep an eye out for these warning signs that it’s time to stop drinking.

People have called you an alcoholic. 

A little bit of drinking once in a while can be sexy, but when it’s a near-daily event or an act that doesn’t stop until you black out, you have a problem. Being an alcoholic is a relationship red flag, and rightfully so. 

Whether you realize it or not, alcoholism will eat away at a relationship. Even promising relationships won’t stay healthy if you have an addiction that’s out of control. If you’ve been called an alcoholic by multiple people, you probably should work on drink cessation before you do anything else.

You’ve made an ass out of yourself during a bar date. 

Everyone will have at least one date that’s super cringe-inducing for one reason or another. However, there’s awkward and then there’s just bad. Alcohol has a way of making certain people just turn into complete jackasses. 

Most of the time, people wake up the next day to find out how bad a date went—and promptly feel the urge to crawl into a hole and die. Whether it was because you slapped your date, went off on a screaming date, puked on him, or got 86’d doesn’t matter. What matters is that this should be a sign that you needed to learn your lesson and drop the booze. 

There have multiple occasions where dates had to babysit you after a drink. 

Nothing is attractive about a date that needs a babysitter who will hold their hair while they puke. If this is an occasional outcome of drinking while dating, you probably should not drink during a date.

This isn’t just a matter of putting a good impression together. Getting this hammered during a date could put you in a position of serious danger. Predators exist, and they tend to seek out inebriated victims because they can’t fight back. Don’t do that to yourself.

You don’t just have one or two glasses.

Society has a couple of unspoken rules when it comes to drinking on a date. One of the more important ones is that you probably shouldn’t have more than two drinks on a first date. The reason why? It doesn’t make a good impression and it can cause you to act foolishly.

If you can’t stop after two glasses, you probably should nix drinking during dates. 

You’ve drunk-dialed people before, or just went on drunken rants to dates.

It might seem cute on sitcoms, but the reality is anything but. Drunk dials are not as endearing as you think they are. The same can be said about going on rants that turn into TMI-filled sharefests.

A wise person said spilling your guts is about as attractive as it sounds. If booze makes your lips that loose, put down the glass and order a seltzer. 

There have been moments where you woke up next to someone you’d never normally be with. 

The beer goggles are real, girl. If this happens on a regular basis and you find yourself regretting your sex partners frequently, booze might not be the love medicine that you were hoping it to be. 

Drinking turns you into a negative person. 

Though alcohol is a depressant, for some people, it can actually act as a temporary mood lifter. In dating, that little boost can make a lot of difference. The same can be said about the drinker who goes from being jolly to a crying mess. 

If you’re the type to get aggressive, whiny, or otherwise emo during a drink session, you probably already know it’s time to knock off the booze. No one gets attracted to the girl who’s crying in a corner. 

You’ve used alcohol as an excuse. 

In college, you might’ve been able to write off some of your bad behavior by saying you were drunk. After all, everyone parties and most college kids are still trying to find their limit. In the “real world,” though, you can’t really use that excuse as the carte blanche it once was. 

If you’re still clinging to “I was drunk” as a way to excuse terrible behavior, it’s time to take a look at yourself. People will still remember what you say and do while inebriated. Your actions, even if done while wasted, will have consequences. 

Trying to use booze as an excuse is not sexy, nor does it ever bode well for your relationship. It might be time to rethink what you’re doing.