Removing Skin Tags from Eyelids

Your eyelid is a delicate part of your body. Not only is the skin delicate, but your eyesight is nothing to mess with. This is incredibly important.

A skin tag is a small protruding growth of skin. And though it can be half an inch or more in diameter, such large skin tags are rare. A skin tag is usually the same color of your skin, though they can be a shade or two darker. Anyone can get a skin tag, even children. But the older you get, the more likely you will get them. And they are more prominent among diabetics.

Creases of skin are where skin tags usually show up, probably due to friction within the crease. And friction can lead to irritation. Once a skin tag forms, friction can come from the clothing and jewelry, requiring these tags be removed.

There are numerous home remedies for removing skin tags. And they work within a matter of weeks. There are some products on the market as well. They work great when used properly. And using them next to the eye region is not one of the recommended sites to be using these products.

Skin tags do form around the eye area. It is one of the more common sites, not only because of the numerous folds and creases of that delicate region, but also because of chemical irritations caused by wearing makeup.

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An ophthalmologist is your best source for handling skin tags around the eye. An ophthalmologist is an eye doctor, specializing in all the aspects of that particular region of your body. He has the tools at his disposal for properly and safely removing these tags. An ophthalmologist can even remove a tag that has grown along the rim of your eye due to the use of mascara or eyeliner. He might recommend you change brands or stop using these products all together. But getting a tag that is located in such a vital region professionally removed is highly recommended. You certainly don’t want to lose your site trying to save a few dollars.

The procedures an ophthalmologist might use are pretty pain free.

Cauterization uses an electronic heat source to remove the tag. This happens so fast it’s over before you know it. And you’re surprisingly relieved at how simple it was.

Cryosurgery uses a liquid nitrogen based probe to remove the tag. This is probably the most comfortable procedure.

Ligation interrupts the blood supply to the skin tag, killing the cells.

Excision is when the ophthalmologist surgically cuts the tag from your eye area.

Depending on the location of the tag, you don’t necessarily have the option of choosing the procedure used to remove the tag. One procedure can end up being a much safer choice for the location and possible complications that could result. Your ophthalmologist will know the right choice to make.

Skin tags are harmless, though. Unless you’re experiencing some sort of irritation due to friction. Most tags are removed for aesthetic reasons unless they’re in an area where they are regularly being rubbed by, for instance, a bra strap, or a necklace chain. In these situations an affected skin tag can become extremely painful, and under certain circumstances, infected.

Most tags found around the face do not carry the same issues as the tags that can come into contact with clothing and accessories. That puts the decision in your hands as to whether or not you wish to address the issue. It may not be an issue at all if you are comfortable physically and aesthetically.