We all were single at some point in our lives and believe me, it’s only easy when you have never been in a relationship in the past. It’s tougher when you break up with someone you have considered the love of your life for a very long time.
No one can fully picture what a day in the life of single girls looks like. You experience a bad day almost regularly and spend a long time behind closed doors crying about a loss or your loneliness.
Since you are all alone, no one cares enough to say some kind words or tell you that it is going to be okay and you mean a lot in their lives. Mom may be having a battle with some illness and needs attention herself; friends are too busy to remember you, and your siblings are having a hard time controlling their noisy kids running around the house and knocking things over.
You can see that being single means you just have to solve your problems yourself, expecting little or no help from others.
With a partner, you can literally go on and on with your day and have someone else to share your problems with all the time. But if you are single, you would have no one to share your thoughts with especially if you don’t have close and understanding friends.
A typical bad day for a single girl can be something as simple as having to walk a long distance carrying a heavy shop bag with the summer heat showing no mercy on your skin. When you get to your apartment, you face the dreadful experience of taking the never-ending stairs to your room, while your legs weaken as you move from floor to floor.
If you are lucky to make it to your apartment without being extremely tired, you begin to worry about those mice running around the house and chewing at anything they come across. You wish there were someone to help you take care of that, but mom had talked to you about having a man in your life, and your kindhearted sister is having another baby. You simply have no one, case closed.
It’s even worse when you are having inconsiderate folks asking you to settle down maybe due to your age. Some parents place several expectations on their kids, and one of the most common expectations is marriage. With a man in your life, you may hope to get married someday, but when there is no one in your life, it’s more challenging to have such hopes or even dream of a future with someone when in reality, there is no one.
It feels amazing to have someone tell you how great you are and how gorgeous you look. But amid your stress, all that is left is that nagging thought that you are not okay no matter how you want to cover it up.
This negative thought can go away only if you have someone tell you that you are not going insane and that you still have a life. Only that special someone can fill the void with such soothing words. If you don’t have them at that moment, frustration sets in and you know what that means.
If you have been starved for a long time of the soft and gentle touch of a man, you begin to desire a simple hug or some passionate kisses. Those drunken hugs and embraces from your friends are not anything close to what you really need. What comes to your mind and what your body craves is that full, out-of-this-world intimacy that can make you feel special loved and accepted.
Just like any single person, social media is one of the outlets to unburden your mind or post things you don’t really mean. You may share online how supportive your family and friends are, but deep down, you know that these people are nothing compared to having someone who is crazily in love with you. Family can indeed help you see a reason to live, and friends keep you sane as you wait for the true Prince Charming.
And even in the darkest of times, family and friends can come to the rescue. But how long will that last? Not long enough because they will go back to their own concerns – family, kids, boyfriends, and pets – leaving you as vulnerable and lonely as you have ever been.
When you have a boyfriend, life becomes more colorful, and you feel on top of the world. Your boyfriend will know that it is his job to stay by your side until you get through personal challenges. If he is a great guy, you will enjoy his company and have no problem reciprocating his kind gestures. You know what they say about how difficult it is to find the right person. No matter how amazing your friends are, they cannot do what a boyfriend does.
One thing they can give is just a few hugs or those annoying phone calls, but a boyfriend provides you all the pleasures of an intimate relationship. He makes those night calls to know if you are dreaming about him, and he promises you a future too good to be true. You don’t care if you believe them or not, even when you know he is bluffing. You just feel happier with him than with family and friends who, sometimes, are as dull as watching a tortoise in the zoo.
For a single woman with no support system, it is difficult to survive. Even the idea of self-love so much talked about by some people is not strong enough to keep you sane. You come to that point where the influence of friends means nothing to you. You want to be your own support, although you find it hard to keep up. Others may go to the gym to work out, but you go there to take your mind off the loneliness and horniness creeping in almost daily. Such a life is not easy on the inside because you will always pretend that everything is all right on the outside.

Reading too much often comes up at this point as you try to cover up your loneliness. You become that girl who reads motivational and relationship books on train and buses. The titles of the books you read can easily give you away. People can guess your relationship status and your inner feelings by the title on the front part of the books you read.
Even your posts on Facebook or Instagram can become a hidden reflection of what you are going through. You talk about the good and bad sides of a relationship and make some funny jokes about men and women. The reality is that you are trying to free yourself from the loneliness that comes with being single. Why do you even make a joke on a serious issue like that?
This does not mean that anyone showing these signs is in distress and needs to be rescued by a Prince Charming. It is not a call for a pity party or an invitation for men to take their shots. No, this is entirely far from it. When you post on social media and absorb yourself in self-help books, you do so to unburden your hearts and let out the pent up feeling that is killing you on the inside. It is your responsibility to do it in a way that no one will mistake it for weakness except they are single girls like you.
As a girl, being single often seem to place the weight of the world on your shoulders, and you wish there were someone with whom you can share your mind, someone you can trust, lean on, and have fun with. But as you wait for that particular person, there is nothing wrong in reading self-help books on trains and sleeping with big pillows all around you.
Go out with single girls and talk away your loneliness while you consider sleeping with random strange guys once in a while. Facebook and Instagram are part of the fun because you have to keep talking about how Friday nights look like for single girls.
You could use laughter as many times as you want to help you overcome loneliness. This is the only way to stay happy and not lose your sanity due to being all alone by yourself. If you want a guy to be there for you, go ahead to have one. You are not being weak if you do; you are just being human. It is good to have someone to cheer you up when you go through lonely times as a single girl. It is your life, so go live it the best way you can.
Rounding It Off
Being single, however, is not a death sentence. You have ample time to rediscover yourself and get ready for a new relationship. You are not going to die from all the loneliness and don’t let it push you to another relationship.